Monday, March 30, 2020

Matt Hennion: Film Major

Matt Hennion BlogPost

          I am currently majoring in "Film and Screen Studies" at Pace University in downtown Manhattan. My major explores practice and theory. Students within this major will study, analyze, and converse the art of film, along with the history behind it dating backing to the late 1800s! With this in mind, film majors get to put their knowledge to the test through production courses. These production courses consist on in-class camera workshops, writing, producing, filming, and editing an entire short film directed by yourself. These films are eventually showcased at a student screening at the end of each semester.

Link to my university: pace

Link to my major: Film and Screen Studies

My Favorite Film Directors:

Martin Scorsese
Quinten Tarantino

Christopher Nolan

Courses I am Taking This Semester:
  • Media Fictions
  • Filmmaking: Image and Sound
  • Spanish II
  • Web Design for Non-Profit
  • Italian Cinema